Fantastic Job

NEW! Run Java Web Start in the browser

The CheerpJ JNLP Runner browser extension is the only solution that can run JNLP files in the browser, without a Java Desktop installation. No downloads or plugins required

Fantastic job. My large JAVA applet for a visual interactive discovery of derivatives and integrals of vector fields had been used all around the world for almost 20 years — then the browsers effectively killed it by withdrawing support for JAVA. I had not been able to rewrite it as a freestanding JAVA main program. So happy when I discovered CheerpJ in the spring. So many happy students, instructors, and folks from everywhere who just to play and discover!

Matthias Kawski

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NEW! Run Java Web Start in the browser

The CheerpJ JNLP Runner browser extension is the only solution that can run JNLP files in the browser, without a Java Desktop installation. No downloads or plugins required

Tags: Testimonial

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